About Me

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Cocoa Beach, FL, United States
I am a 36 years young. single punk-mama. I have a beautiful handsome little boy that is 10. I own a Photography business with my best friend.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I love Thanksgiving, to me it's a time that me and my son can share something we both like "Cooking"
my little boy is 9 and he is always trying to wander his way up in the kitchen. and I'm always telling him get out of the kitchen 'Niah I can't cook with you in here...so Thursday we are gonna cook our first Thanksgiving dinner together as a FAMILY. 
And just maybe this will satisfy his cooking urge.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post you are so right family is the most important thing on thanksgiving. its nice to see a mother and and son doing something together it shows you have a good heart
