About Me

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Cocoa Beach, FL, United States
I am a 36 years young. single punk-mama. I have a beautiful handsome little boy that is 10. I own a Photography business with my best friend.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Thanksgiving

So things didn't go as how I had planned, but we did start our day with the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade of course, then we got ready and went to my friends house to make the last minute preparations, before heading to my best friends mom's house for the BIG dinner. We brought the stuffing, mash potatoes and the rolls oh and we made deviled eggs as well. Once we arrived we helped to get everything ready so we could eat. and oh my did we have a lot of food it was like a smorgasbord on steroids. I ate so much food I was full for the rest of the night.
 After dinner we hung-out laughed a bit and just shared good times.
 It was one of the best Thanksgivings I have had in a long time.


  1. Aw thanks Rhonda I am glad you had a good time with the family! =] Awesome blog! xD

  2. i like this blog because you can get money
